How to obtain Spanish residency papers from your first year without marriage and without an employment contract

How to obtain Spanish residency papers from your first year without marriage and without an employment contract


Obtaining Spanish residence papers – We have previously touched on this topic many times, and we explained how it is possible to obtain a work contract so that the secret immigrant in Spain can regularize his legal status and what are the procedures and documents that he must complete so that his application file is in the best possible way.

Our topic today also talks about how to obtain Spanish residency papers, but not in the usual ways, that is, by living in Spain for 3 years, working, or getting married…

Rather, by recognizing the civil relationship, or as it is called in Spanish, “Pareja de hecho.”

But in accordance with the wishes of our esteemed followers, especially those who are abroad now and have no friend or nostalgia, and are exposed to daily suffering, the least we can help them with is to provide them with any information that may help them obtain Spanish residency papers as soon as possible.

Whoever wants to talk about what is permissible and what is forbidden, it is better for him to think about immigrating to Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia and leave Europe because it is a country of infidelity, according to his opinion.

1_ What do we mean by acknowledging the relationship?

In Spain, there is a legal relationship between a man and a woman called Pareja de hecho, which is a relationship somewhat similar to marriage, but the laws of marriage do not apply to it. Rather, its goal is to frame the relationship between a man and a woman and benefit from several advantages that exist in marriage, but without obligations.

2_ How can I benefit from this relationship to obtain Spanish residency papers?

If you are an illegal immigrant in Spain and you have not been able to get a job, and you have not succeeded in marrying a Spanish girl or one who resides there legally, or you have only lived in Spain for a few months (meaning you have not completed 3 years in Spain), we advise you to enter into a legal relationship with a girl. (Spanish, holds Spanish citizenship, or is from the European Union and lives in Spain).

When this relationship becomes legal, that is, when it is recognized, you, as a secret immigrant, will have the right to obtain Spanish residence papers, even if you do not have a job, and even if you have not lived for 3 years on Spanish soil.

3_ What are the conditions required to recognize this relationship?

There are uniform conditions in all Spanish regions and territories, and there are different conditions from one region to another, and we will point out any existing differences in the following article, so the conditions are as follows:

  • The man and woman must be 18 years old.
  • The partner must be Spanish (man or woman), from a European Union country, or a holder of Spanish nationality.
  • The partner must have a job that earns an amount not less than the minimum wage, which is set at 700 euros.
  • The clandestine immigrant must have 1,000 euros in his bank account.
  • If the partner does not have a job, he can compensate for this with an amount of 10,000 euros in the bank.
  • In Madrid, Barcelona and some other regions, they require proof that the man and woman entered into the relationship for a period of 12 months, through two witnesses (it is necessary that the two witnesses be present). But in the Basque Country, they do not require any witnesses or proof that they have been living together for 12 months.
  • In some areas, they ask for a residence certificate proving that the man and woman have lived in the same house for a period of 6 months, but in the city of Bilbao, for example, they do not ask you for any proof. Once the man and woman agree to enter into this relationship, they can immediately obtain a joint residence certificate, if they are in an apartment. One.

4_ Well, all these conditions are met, so what is required of me as an illegal immigrant?

If you meet these conditions, you must bring these documents:

Celibacy certificate (in addition to its full copy).
Proof of divorce document if you are divorced.
Translation of documents into Spanish and in Spain, and they must bear the signature or seal of The Hague APOSTILLE.

The first step is to go together to the registration center known as REGISTRO to make an appointment (we note that the time for making appointments is from Monday to Friday from nine in the morning until two in the afternoon) and you will be given a form or application for recognition of the relationship (it can be extracted from the Internet). After that, it remains for you both to Fill out this form completely and submit the following documents.

  • A copy of your passport.
  • The residence certificate that brings you together.
  • A copy of the residence card of the Spanish or European partner.
  • A copy of the bank book, in addition to the latest bank statements of the Spanish partner.

When you submit these documents and fill out the form, they will schedule an appointment with you within 20 days or a month, depending on the percentage of applications, to receive the acceptance letter. Then you take this letter and take it to the Immigration and Foreigners Center and take with you the previously mentioned documents and submit your application.

If all the conditions we mentioned are present as they are, then be sure that after 45 days at most, they will answer you with acceptance through a letter that you will receive at the house where you live with your friend. After that, take this document and take it to the police in order to apply for a residence card in Spain.

What are the documents required by the police to obtain a Spanish residence card?

You will need to make an appointment with them to take fingerprints, after you provide them with this document, and you will need:

  • A copy of the residence certificate.
  • a copy of the passport .
  • Personal Photos .
  • Submit fingerprints.
  • Increase contracts.

They may also ask you for some other simple documents, and after 21 days you will have been able to obtain Spanish residence papers for a period of 5 years without problems and without waiting for 3 years to pass, and without searching for work contracts… and also without problems until marriage.


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